Download 5 Free High Quality Fonts

Fonts (also known as typefaces) are very important when designing anything for any kind of  media. For a beginner, the vast amount of fonts available on the internet can be overwhelming. The world is abundant with fonts and new ones get released every day. And if you’re a designer on a budget, adding high quality fonts to your collection can add up and be very pricey. Great thing there’s typographers who are willing to share their work for free.

It is important for designers to start a collection of typefaces, especially high quality ones. I started my collection 8 years ago. I have bought many typefaces for projects but  a huge chunk of my collection are downloaded license-free typefaces from the internet.

Below is a list of some of my favourite free high quality fonts. Make sure that before using them, read the terms and conditions when using them. This advice goes for any free typefaces you download. You don’t want to work on a commercial project and use an illegal font. You’re going to get you and your client in big trouble.

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