
Hi! My name is Dee.

The Designer

I am a part-time print designer for a Toronto-based group called Everything Matters that focuses on helping non-profit clients in their creative needs. (And is also available for hire full-time!) My fine art background has caused me to have a fascination with the history and the future of all things design.

Other than print design, I’ve had studio experiences in drawing, painting, sculpture, print media, and motion graphics. I love exploring the creative world and how it transforms in different cultures and environments.

The Blog

I started this blog for a Social Media writing course. I wanted to write about things that I love to talk about and to learn more about. I run the Design Encounters blog to help educate and inspire many aspiring and new designers. My posts consists of things I’ve learned in art and design school and also things that I learned through experiences with clients and in the industry. Some posts are also archives of other design things that have made me smile.

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